Guinevere in Dazed & Confused November (?) 2009

Sunday, December 19

Balenciaga & Daisy Knights

First of all, I'll introduce you to my earrings/hairaccesoiries/(sun)glasses model. I'll call her Irene Junior. Not that she looks like me, but I just couldn't think of another name. Haha.

Tadaaa: Irene. I didn't want the face to be too detailed, so I made it a little cartoon-ish.

Balenciaga glasses look awesome with and without glasses in it. But if you're going to spend €297,75 on glasses you're probably not gonna take the glasses out.

Balenciaga sunglasses, Daisy Knights earrings.

1 comment:

  1. Die oorbellen doen me denken aan een gewei.

    Ik vind die zonnebril wel cool. :3
